Home > Discussion, Mos Espa > Mandalorians mercenaries set up in Mos Espa

Mandalorians mercenaries set up in Mos Espa

February 27, 2011

On Mos Espa, the reporters Daana Kira and Rakiko lowtide met a mandalorian moving in the hotel, transformed into a operation center.

Sectator Tracyn'werda

The Followers of Mandalore, or Shekemir be Mand’alor, a group of mandalorian mercenaries set up a base of operation on the old hotel of Mos Espa, Tatooine. Specialised un bounty hunting and security, they needed a place on the surface to ease the contact with their clients. The large hotel is however equipped to be able to host several of their troops and can be used as center of command. 

This is only one of their bases. Their main outpost is in a large space station and contains even more equipment, including a arkanian cruiser for space combat missions and several fighters. They’re not enough for full scale engagements and prefer guerilla style strikes, hitting the target and running after having weakened it. The group has 17 employees, all warriors.

On Tatooine, they assured not wanting to intrude on areas of work of the local authorities like the Hutts or the Black Sun, and they are in the process of contacting them to agree on a pact.

— Daana Kira, Rakiko Lowtide

  1. Nico Fett
    February 27, 2011 at 6:12 PM

    Oya FoM!

  2. FacelessOne
    March 3, 2011 at 1:38 PM

    Mand’alor the Adiik?

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