
Posts Tagged ‘LEGION’

Change in the Byss Empire Head

March 14, 2011 20 comments

As Sith and officials from across the Sith Empire converged on Byss, reporters Daana Kira and Rakiko Lowtide also attended the large gathering in the Citadel. Numerous issues were discussed with the high point being the naming of a new Sith Emperor.

Sith Empire Gathering in the throne room on Byss

“Byss, the Grand Citadel: GNN reporters arrived to a gathering of the leading Sith from across the Galaxy, where the first matter being observed was the promotion of a Sith Disciple, who studied under Darth Destius and Darth Rowe, to that of Sith of Lord. Lord Samael accepted his position professionally and stated his continued loyalty to the path he was on.

After the promotion ceremony, Emperor Validus turned to his advisors to learn the state of the Empire. A representative speaking on behalf of Lord Apparition for the New Sith Order, told Validus and the audience that the order based out of Prakith was growing and strengthening, even forming subdivisions in the order for specialization. Furthermore, they had been in negotiations with the Tetan Empire, and the Empress herself. Details of which are being kept under wraps for now. Darth Infestus further added details on the state of Prakith, telling that many of the building had been refitted and security strengthened and that continued research of the planets buried artifacts continues along with strong research developments in other areas of interest being conducted on Prakith.

Return of Darth Gevecht

As the meeting continued, Emperor Validus’s droid known as Legion began to become agitated which in turn brought a quietness to the crowd as many of the attendees began looking for something or someone. Even the Emperor stood as he looked to be waiting on someone, and that someone did final show themselves, appearing to come out of thin air from this reporters perspective. As a stunned silence continued with the General NC-304 and others pulling their weapons, Emperor Validus greeted the newcomer calmly, addressing him as his former apprentice, Darth Gevecht, who had seemingly been killed when he had tried to usurp the Emperor’s position. Gevecht introduced himself as Darth Novo, returned from the void to face his old master. However, Darth Validus, who seemed to be the only truly calm one in the room, told Novo and those around that this had been his plan all along, killing his former apprentice to see if he was truly strong enough to return and take up the mantle Validus had for him.

Emperor Validus explained that his droid army, LEGION, had intercepted a transmission from deep with in the unknown regions fo the Galaxy, a transmission only he recognised as being that from the race of true Sith that had existed several centuries prior and which Validus claimed lineage from. He further explained that he had trained Novo to fill the most important position while he himself left for these far reaches of the Galaxy to find the source of the transmission. As if to solidify his choice, the Emperor broke his sceptre into two, gave codes of his droid Legion over to Novo, and signaled the General to commence other actions as he left, stating “My people are alive. Not clones, not clever approximations based on thousand year old DNA, my -people-.” With that he walked out yelling back in a loud booming voice “I SHALL FIND THEM, AND WE SHALL RETURN IN A GLORIOUS RAIN OF GOLD AND FIRE.”

Darth Novo taking his position as Emperor of the Sith

After Validus left the room, General NC-304 finished his work and proclaiming Novo as Emperor of the Sith Empire and asked everyone to bow before their new leader. As the new emperor took the throne it became apparent that there was not a universal feeling of loyalty for the new Emperor, even though the majority such as Darth Mortis, Lady Sakura, Darth Destius, Lord Appiration and many more gave thier support. First Darth Marell left without acknowledging Novo’s position and ignoring the requests of the others to stay. This prompted Emperor Novo to declare Marell and his followers enemies of the Empire until they pled their loyalty in person. Next Lady Umbra began to leave to follow Validus claiming she was only loyal to him. This led to more conflict with the others as Lord Apparition told her she’d be deemed as an enemy as well if she left against Validus’s wishes. As most of the gathering begin to give their support to the new Emperor Umbra’s and Apparition’s argument grew, leading them both to leave with a few others for a confrontation, which at this time GNN has no details on the outcome.

Once the status of Emperor Novo solidified with most, the meeting was adjourned. GNN will cover the events arising from the surprising announcements, hopefully interviewing all those involved. We’ll also cover how the tranisiton of the power progresses, though with the majority of those present giving Novo their support, it should be a smooth transition. Stay tuned.”

— Rakiko Lowtide, Daana Kira

((Video of the rise of Novo, Curtesy of the Dark Lords of the Sith))

Dromund Kaas Laboratory

May 20, 2010 Comments off

The first outside mission had Rakiko Lowtide and Daana Kira, reporters at the Galaxy News, was to investigate on the rumour about the Sith Emperor activities on Dromund Kaas. They planet to politely ask, but didn’t had the time, their ship was attracted to the ground and they had to evacuate using the escape pod.

They explored the area and eventually found a lambda shuttle in a hangar in the laboratory, this one hiding several horrors created by the Sith.